Dread Daze : Guidance And Direction EP on Reggae.be
For this five track debut-EP, Californian Dread Daze called on Selwyn Brown and Sydney Miller, both keyboardist/vocalist with Steel Pulse, for some ‘Guidance And Direction’.
The voice of Northern Ireland-born Brian Ward aka Belfast Brian reminded yours truly, both of Australian band Men At Work’s Colin Hay (‘Equality’) and The Christians’ Gary Christian (‘Protection’). Musically the tracks on ‘Guidance And Direction’ range from the poppy ‘Protection’ over the rootsy tribute to Martin Luther King ‘MLK’ to the ska of ‘Equality’ (the most infectious song from the track list) and the instrumental dub of ‘Peace Music’, a song with stylistic similarities to the sound of Revolutionary Dub Warriors.
Album Promotion on Reggae.be : Clic here to see the Article